#MOTIVATIONMonday | Boogie Down Studio

#MOTIVATIONMonday | Boogie Down Studio

It’s #MOTIVATIONMonday today, and we couldn’t think of a better way to help you keep your eye on the prize, than to list 5 tips/tricks/go-to’s on how to stay on track! We are fans of the saying, “Don’t sacrifice what you want most, for what you want in the moment”. However, no matter how determined, how focused, how pumped we may be to reach the finish line and achieve our goal, we are human and that means we’re not perfect – sometimes we veer off course. Hitting a speed bump is a-okay. It’s natural, and happens to everyone. What’s important though, is that you don’t let that speed bump stop you entirely. Going after your dreams is not, and will never be, easy. It’s amazing and difficult! You will be pushed! You will be tested with numerous speed bumps. No matter how many bumps you come across though, you need to keep going, and in order to do that, you may need a little spark of inspiration – something to push you forward again. What are we talking about? Read on…

1. Talisman
Find a small talisman that has meaning to you, and will remind you why you started out on this journey. Ideally, something you can carry with you wherever you go – like a rabbit’s foot, a lucky coin, etc. This is so ideal for those times of struggle.

2. Love Notes to Yours Truly
Whether it be in a journal, on your laptop or on post-it notes strewn all over your home, little reminder notes are so helpful. They’re like little bursts of wisdom that help drive that ‘go get ’em’ attitude! They can be one word long or an entire quote. It doesn’t matter! Just make them spicy hot!

3. Partner Up
Pick a buddy and have them hold you responsible for going after what you want! We’re talking someone to hit the gym with you 4x a week or someone to work on your pirouettes with outside of dance class. No matter what it is, we promise that there is someone else out there looking for support – so go and find them!

4. Play That Music
Get up and move! Have your favourite, feel-good, dance song at the top of your playlist, ready for emergencies! Dancing, singing and laughing are a few of THE best ways to cure the blues and get yourself back in drive mode. With the volume up full blast, dance like no one is watching!

5. Smooth Self-Talk
Don’t berate yourself. Be easy with yourself. Some sexy and smooth self-talk can be just the thing for banishing those moments of doubt. Talk to yourself and motivate yourself the way you would an 8-year old. Positive, happy and not taking no for an answer!

Bumps in the road happen, but by tapping into simple tricks like the ones mentioned above, you’ll not only be able to get through them – you’ll hurdle right over them. Remember: Do at least one thing a day that is a step towards shaping the future of your dreams!


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