Purdy Natural Skin Care2016-03-04T15:23:12-05:00

Purdy Natural Skin Care

These Fabulously Cleaver and Deliciously addicting products will be hitting the shelves at Boogie Down. Purdy Natural Specializes in Natural Skin Care Soaps, Lotions, Makeup, Muscle & Skin Balms and everything that makes you smell GREAT! Amazing natural products with intoxicating scents, made locally in London Ontario with LOVE! Why go Natural…?

The Nitty Gritty….The 411 On Why Natural

Have you ever thought about how many body care products we encounter in a day? We usually start it off bright and early with shampoo, soap/body wash, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, styling products, shaving cream, body and face cream, make-up, perfume, nail polish, and feminine hygiene products, etc. Have you ever stopped and considered what exactly is in these products and why they last so long on the shelf without ever going bad? Have you ever wondered why you skin is reacting, with acne, eczema, etc.?

The average woman absorbs over 14kg of ingredients from face and body-care products (excluding cosmetics) into her bloodstream over 60 years.

By the time you are rushing out the door, you have swallowed, inhaled and absorbed through your skin hundreds of toxic chemicals, some of which have been proven to be deadly to laboratory animals and many of which are known to be carcinogens. We are literally poisoning our immune systems with thousands of toxic chemicals that are known carcinogens, hormone disrupters, and cancer-causing agents. How does this make any sense and why are we unaware?

If it doesn’t occur in nature, it shouldn’t be inside of you, because you are a natural being.

Be good to your body, it’s yours for life. We are all going Purdy Natural at Boogie Down, join us!

Read up on the rest of The Nitty Gritty at www.purdynatural.ca for more information and discover why we are such BIG fans at Boogie Down!