Make it Happen Burlington Mamas! Your Skinny Jeans Await…

Make it Happen Burlington Mamas! Your Skinny Jeans Await…

Would we joke about skinny jeans?

Often new moms feel more than ready to get back to their post baby bodies but face so many challenges:

  • Limited time – it’s hard to be away from the family!
  • Feeling icky – with hormones adjusting and carrying a few extra pounds, sometimes confidence and energy levels waver.
  • Results – a thousand hours on the treadmill just won’t cut it.

We have the solution!!

Losing post baby weight requires work – there’s no way around that.  But you need to get the bang for your buck.  Don’t waste your time with workouts that don’t deliver. You need workouts that are:

  • DYNAMIC: You need variety!  Static sequences (doing the same yoga or cardio sequence every day for example) puts your body on auto-pilot
  • BUILDING MUSCLE:  Increased muscle mass turns your body into a fat burning machine.  You must incorporate load-bearing movements and resistance training to build a strong, lean body.
  • HIGH-ENERGY: We have to MOVE!  We need to get that heart-rate pumping to burn calories and shred.
  • NUTRITION FOCUSED:  We can exercise all we want – clean-eating is imperative for game-changing results.

Our fitness offerings are your answer.  EACH CLASS at Boogie Down is the perfect solution if you’re battling post-baby weight.  Feeling super out of shape?  DON’T WORRY!  Everything can be modified to suit your fitness level but most importantly, we know how to train you to improve your fitness level and get you results. Our Barre and FLX classes will get your heart pumping and help you feel strong, lean and empowered.

Pair that with our FLXtreme SHRED Challenge  – and you could be sliding into your skinny jeans by January 1st.  It takes hard work, but we do it together!

Let’s make it happen mamas!!!  To make it even easier to get started, we’re offering a $5 class for the Burlington Mamas community on Wednesday November 12th at 7:30 pm.  Join Emma for mixBarre!  Reserve your spot online and pay at the studio.  Questions?  Contact us.

Let’s boogie!


Emma and Erin


2018-03-22T11:33:42-04:00November 4th, 2014|Fitness, Health|0 Comments

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