But I can’t dance…

But I can’t dance…

Remember that time you had too many cocktails and “stole the show” on the dance floor at your uncle Bob’s wedding?  Do you have bad-dancing trauma?  YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY!!!!!

Barre classes are NOT dance classes!  We take some of the coolest elements of the traditional dance barre (would it help if we stopped calling it a barre and said railing?) and incorporate them into a body-blasting workout that will make you sweat!  We guarantee you will love it whether you’ve got wicked dance moves or not.  We get so many questions, we wanted to answer them all here for you in one easy blog post!

  • Do I need to be graceful?
  • Do I need to point my toes?
  • Do I need to wear a tutu?
  • How about a bun?  I don’t want a ballet bun.
  • Do I have to turn my hips out?
  • Do I have to stand on my tip-toes?

Here’s the answer:


No, no, no, no!  Don’t worry!

Hockey players, lawyers and garbage men all come to barre and CRUSH IT!  They did not wear leotards or do pirouettes but they DID get stronger, and so will you!  Don’t be scared of barre, because barre is DYING to get its hands on your bod and make it strong, long, lean and happy!



2018-03-22T11:33:42-04:00November 25th, 2014|Dance, Fitness|0 Comments

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